The Man With A Long Chin's Diary


Your Stars Today


23 September 1998 - YOUR STARS TODAY

Today will bring you the prosperity and wealth you've long dreamed of, in addition to a terrible, all-consuming urge to break and destroy. DESTROY.

YOUR LUCKY GOTH: Wayne Hussey out of The Mission.

Fortune will shine on you in the form of a foreign gentleman with a big lightbulb for a face, and you'll find yourself unexpectedly remembering the time your trousers fell down at that outdoor pop concert.

YOUR LUCKY GOTH: Dave Vanien out of The Damned.

26 September 1998 - YOUR STARS TODAY

Somehow you'll get to see Clash Of The Titans twice today but you won't know how. It may be on TV, or you might just play the entire movie out in your head. A good day all round!

YOUR LUCKY HOLOGRAM: A blinking eye.

The forces of evil will conspire to make a chocolate bar melt in your pocket, not in your mouth. This is a metaphor for ill health, which is on its way in the form of shingles.

YOUR LUCKY HOLOGRAM: A fist punching through a sheet of glass.

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