The Man With A Long Chin's Diary


Transport Cafe


12 July 1996 - TRANSPORT CAFE

I foiled an armed robbery at my transport cafe, Pea Junction, yesterday morning.

A gang of toughs came in armed with bags of pebbles which they kept swinging around their heads menacingly. After an hour of this, one of them tried to order two eggs and a tow-rope, which made me suspect he was a robber.

I leapt over the counter, rolled him up into a ball, covered him with tea-towels and poured ink on his legs.

13 July 1996 - TRANSPORT CAFE

I've come up with a new scheme to bring punters into my transport cafe.

Check out my idea: I put up a sign on a flyover inviting motorists to eat their fill at my cafe for free.

While this plan might be expensive in the short term, I am confident that this will be more than offset by the increase in customers to my cafe.

That's it.

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