Digitiser Reviews Archive


Ultimate Football '95 - PC, 7/2/96


Digitiser, Teletext - 1996

Digitiser, Teletext - 1996

Ultimate Football '95 - PC

We don't know why this is only being released here now - maybe the boat with all the games on it got boarded by pirates, and then the pirates got lost.

Graphically enfeebled, this footman leans instead on a built-in fantasy US football option, letting you create a 30-team league and download real NFL stats via CompuServe every week.

Except that the season has now finished. Damn those pirates.

Ultimate Football '95 - PC - by Microprose

Req: 4MbR 386
Graphix: 57%
Sonix: 29%
Gameplay: 76%
Lifespan: 79%
Originality: 70%
Uppers: Modem play and fantasy leagues
Downers: Not much action here, son
Overall: 66% - Intimate Cornball

Do you know of any important moments from the annals of Digi history that have been omitted? If so, then mail me (superpage58@gmail.com) right now, man. Credit will be duly given for anything that gets put up.

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